Your Council

Accounts, Budget & Spending

Where does our money come from, and how is it spent?

Most of our income comes from a small proportion of the Council Tax paid to North Yorkshire Council annually by every household. This is called the Precept.

Next, we receive 15% of the money charged by North Yorkshire Council for new developments. This is called CIL or Community Infrastructure Levy.

In addition, we receive a small amount of income from street furniture licences, allotments and the markets.

When we have significant projects to undertake (such as building the skatepark in Millfields) we apply for and receive grants from many sources. The council spends money on maintenance and development of the parks, greens, recreational areas, allotments, the town centre including the market and the public toilets.

Account Information

Annual Return


  • Precept 2024-2025 £182,762.00
  • Precept 2023-2024 £182,691.00
  • Precept 2022-2023 £174,028.00
  • Precept 2021-2022 £140,942.00
  • Precept 2020-2021 £139,928.00
  • Precept 2019-2020 £134,574.00
  • Precept 2018-2019 £133,237.00
  • Precept 2017-2018 £126,459.00
  • Precept 2016-2017 £120,248.00
  • Precept 2015-2016 £105,549.00

Finance Committee

For any specific details on our income and spending please contact the Clerk.